Saturday, January 22, 2011

Speaking about Speaking

This arrived in the mail the other day, courtesy of The Book Depository:

Hopefully, it will be a useful resource for teaching about the importance of good oral skills and how to use language to greater effect (persuasive techniques, emotive language, etc.). It's the new edition, which includes Kevin Rudd's "Sorry" speech and Obama's "Yes We Can". The book has a nice, clear layout, and each entry has biographical information, historical background and speech excerpts:
Jesus, JFK, Gandhi, Churchill, etc. also feature.

This new edition also provides a DVD:
The DVD contains videos about some of the speakers featured in the book. Each video gives background info/historical context, and either footage or audio of speeches.

Unfortunately, while the background info in the videos makes good visuals for students, the footage/audio of speeches are only excerpts, so if you were using this in class, you would probably still need to supplement this DVD with the full speech from YouTube or another DVD/CD of speeches (of which there are many around).

Nevertheless, this makes for a handsome addition to the teacher's bookshelf or coffee table. Don't you just love the smell of new books?

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