Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lego - Ancient History?

Who said Lego was dead?

For the Ancient History teachers out there, Lego has produced a kit called Ramses' Pyramid (my punctuation!) where you get to re-create an Egyptian pyramid in Lego and then it becomes the "board" for a game. Here's the finished product:

I haven't played this, but have seen adults scratching their heads trying to follow the instructions for building the pyramid! As you can see, there are some quite intricate parts, particularly the bits and pieces (treasure, etc.) that go inside the pyramid.

This could make for a fun and interesting resource. Not being an Ancient teacher myself, I'm not sure how accurate it is!

For more info, check out the Lego site. There are also a few videos on YouTube about this game if you're interested in seeing how it works.

The adults present at the game's first playing also suggested that a set like this could be used to teach a Sunday School lesson about the tabernacle or sanctuary, etc.

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