Thursday, January 13, 2011

365 New Words a Year

And now for a welcome distraction from the terrible news on TV:

I know it's probably a bit late now, but I found the perfect present for English teachers at The Book Depository (best online bookstore; free delivery to pretty much anywhere in the world):

The words come from the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary. Expand your vocab while keeping track of what day it is (which is useful for busy teachers)!

Every day, there is a new word for you to learn, complete with the type of word (noun, verb, etc.) and an example of how to use it in a sentence.

Did you know, for example, that there is a verb "flack", meaning to promote or publicise someone or something? Not to be confused with the noun "flak", meaning criticism, as in "the cricket selectors copped flak over their decisions in the Ashes series".

The best bit is, if you turn the page over, it gives you the origin(s) of the word:

You could also use the calendar in the classroom for expanding the students' vocab.

This year, I am planning to do a Word of the Week:
  • at the beginning of each week, take the word from the calendar for that day, and write it on the board, together with the type, definition and example. 
  • read the "Did You Know?" bit out to the students if you have time. Some of them are quite amusing.
  • the prize at the end of the week goes to the student who has managed to use the word correctly and creatively in either classwork or homework.

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