Monday, March 12, 2012

"Reader, I...did not marry him"?

A new competition by Britain's The Times newspaper which which should appeal to feminist literary critics everywhere - "What Jane did next".

This competition allows you to re-write the ending of this novel by editing the most famous line (read "understatement") of the novel: "Reader, I married him". The challenge is to do it as a tweet, i.e. in 140 characters or less. This is a bit like the website "Summarise a Novel in 25 Words" (warning: some undesirable language on this site!). You could, for example, decide that Jane in fact does not marry Rochester, or that she decides to run away and start her life again, a wealthy woman, or...?

First prize is a night in Yorkshire staying in "the room of Amos Ingham, Charlotte and Patrick Brontë’s physician". Runners up receive a copy of the most recent Jane Eyre DVD. Sadly, this competition is only open to residents of the UK or Republic of Ireland!

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