Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BBC "On this Day"

I hope the BBC wins lots of awards for their websites, because they make for fantastic resources. Check out BBC Bitesize if you haven't already. It's a shame, though, that we can't access the TV programs on BBC iPlayer (however apparently we can access the radio programs).

Another fantastic BBC site I just stumbled across is their "On this Day" page, which is great for teaching history because it lists some significant historical events for that particular day. For example, March 13, 1996, was the day of the terrible Dunblane massacre, and the day in 1961 on which 5 Britons were tried for allegedly passing secrets to the Russians (McCarthyism? The Crucible?).  You can even get it RSSd to your desktop for easy access.

Obviously as you can see the events are quite Anglo-centric, but interesting, nevertheless. Could make for good classroom discussion, especially considering so many of what we consider to be historically significant events happened before this current lot of students was even born.

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