Monday, February 27, 2012

"The Best of Times..." start blogging again! Yes, the new school year is up and running and, as I have not blogged here since May last year (!), I felt it was high time that I did.

Twenty Twelve is shaping up to be an exciting year for Anglophiles (as well as English and History teachers), as it is London's year to host the Olympics, the Queen's diamond jubilee and Charles Dickens's 200th birthday.

It is also the first year of implementation of the new Australian Curriculum, and it will be interesting to hear how Australian teachers have been rising to the challenges of change, something which we all do so well!

So stay tuned for more posts on great events and resources for teachers this year. And, to echo the great Dickens, may 2012 be the best of times, not the worst of times, the age of wisdom, the season of Light and the spring of hope.*

* from A Tale of Two Cities, of course!

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