Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lost in Pride and Prejudice - The Ultimate Nerd Collection

Forget about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! Yay for Austen purists!

Okay, enough ranting.

I have found the ultimate nerds' edition of Pride and Prejudice:

In this annotated edition, you get the text on the left-hand page, and lots of notes on the right-hand page, e.g.:
This guy must really love the book to annotate every single page! There's lots of useful notes on things like social conventions, clothing, carriages, and furniture, as well as useful stuff, like maps.

And if that doesn't satisfy your Darcy-lust, check out this sticker my friend brought back for me from England:
Do I dare to put it on my car??

The ABC is currently replaying one of my favourite Austen-related series, Lost in Austen. For those who haven't tasted its delights, the show is about Pride and Prejudice devotee Amanda Price, who one day finds Elizabeth Bennet in her bathroom and a gateway into the novel through the back of her bathtub.

Great hilarity and plot twisting ensues as Amanda tries desperately to make the action follow the course of the book. A fun series and a great way to teach intertextuality, as the show also references the well-loved BBC series which featured Colin Firth and that wet shirt. The Lost in Austen spoof can be viewed here.

Episode one is on iview.

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