Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Teaching is a passion, not a profession

Welcome to my new blog!

After many failed attempts in the past to maintain blogs, I am hoping this one will be more successful, as I plan to share some of my teaching ideas to inspire not just teachers, but anyone looking for ways to educate and entertain young people (preferably both!).

Why do this? My teaching motto is "He who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach". This is a quotation which has been variously attributed to "Anonymous" and "Croft M. Pentz" (who, according to, was a pastor and writer). Anyone who teaches (which is pretty much everyone) can really only be an effective teacher if he/she is an avid learner. We cannot afford to rest on our laurels and go with the old maxim that "teaching must be easy because you just teach the same things over and over". Teachers should be continuously reflecting on their practices and finding new ways to engage young people.

That and the fact that publishing a book seems like too much effort for not enough gain. Why be backwards about coming forwards and sharing our teaching ideas? Why wait until we have enough ideas to fill a book, when the internet gives us instant access to ideas for the lesson we need to teach tomorrow?

Join me as we seek to inspire each other!

Miss Pom

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